Join us for a weekly league featuring flag events and fun competition - open to all area men!!
Wednesday Evenings
Tee Times 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
League Begins Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020
Format: 2 Person Teams (Match Play vs. Opponent - see below for details)
Entry: $25.00 for the Season
Weekly Green & Cart Fee: $25.00
Each week will consist of flag events and fun competition - Optional weekly net skins game $3.00 will also be available
There will be a season ending playoff to award the overall winners!
*Dress code: All golfers must wear appropriate golf attire. Men must wear collared shirts or mock collared golf shirts. T-shirts and tank tops are not acceptable. Denim that is not frayed or torn is allowed. Bullseye prohibits shoes with metal spikes.