Join us for a weekly league featuring flag events and fun competition - open to all area men!!

Wednesday Evenings
Tee Times 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

League Begins Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020

Format: 2 Person Teams (Match Play vs. Opponent - see below for details)

Entry: $25.00 for the Season
Weekly Green & Cart Fee: $25.00

Each week will consist of flag events and fun competition - Optional weekly net skins game $3.00 will also be available
There will be a season ending playoff to award the overall winners!

*Dress code: All golfers must wear appropriate golf attire.  Men must wear collared shirts or mock collared golf shirts. T-shirts and tank tops are not acceptable.  Denim that is not frayed or torn is allowed. Bullseye prohibits shoes with metal spikes.

Sign up or request more information using the form below: